Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blindsided Jump

I need to go on a walk, now!
Travelers have invaded my home.  They are in Mom and Dad's bed.  Mom and Dad aren't sleeping together but Aunt Reeve and Mom are???  Dad is sleeping in Aunt Reeve's old bed.  Last night Mom got up in the middle of the night and slept in her recliner.  That's the first time I've seen her in it since the travelers came.  When I bark one of the travelers clutches her chest and says "Good Lord", she calls me that every time I bark, and Dad never tells her my name is Bodhi.   I'm told no running, no barking, no jumping.  The travelers don't want me to have table scraps, it's too good for a dog, what(?)   I'm not a dog because I run, bark, jump and eat table scraps.  It is because I run, bark, jump and eat table scraps that I'm a dog.   I'm so confused I don't know where to sit or sleep!  If the travelers don't leave soon I feel a blindsided jump coming on.  We had dinner guests for Turkey (mmmmmm) they came they ate they left, great guests.  The travelers came ate and stayed.   Aunt Reeve eventually escaped and didn't take me with her, no fair!  Well I'm thankful for walks, stolen table scraps, perfect placed jumps and when life returns to normal! 
FYI people don't overstay your welcome, it totally disrupts a dog's life.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A new blog for the people

It seems many people are all about blogging these days and I have a good bit to say to people, mostly about my people.  
Repetition is central with them.  
I will lick my lips with great gusto; this means food -thank you!  
I'm real good with sounds, Mom and Dad know this about me.  They tell me when people are coming to visit and I can hear their car turn the corner.  When my Aunt comes they say  "Reeve is coming, Reeve is coming, Reeve is coming" see more repetition.  Gotta run my Aunt Reeve is in the driveway.  

More Later, 

I'm hungry!